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电源规格书Power specifications

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    12V2A电源适配器规格书 本规格书适应于12V2A电源适配器规格书,24W电源适配器,日规插墙式, WTA24-1202000-P 型号的开关电源. The purpose of the document is to specify the functional requirements of a 24W switch...
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    15V2.4A电源适配器规格书 本规格书适应于15V2.4A电源适配器规格书,36W电源适配器,音箱电源适配器规格书,国标插墙,WTA36-1502400-C型号的开关电源. The purpose of the document is to specify the functional requireme...
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    19V1.6A电源适配器规格书 本规格书适应于19V1.6A电源适配器规格书,30.4W电源适配器,欧规六级能效,WTA36-1901600-G型号的开关电源. The purpose of the document is to specify the functional requirements of a 30.4W ...
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    24V4A电源适配器规格书 本规格书适应于24V4A电源适配器规格书,96W电源适配器, WTA96-2400400-T 型号的开关电源. The purpose of the document is to specify the functional requirements of a 96W switching power s...
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    24V10A电源适配器规格书 本规格书适应于24V10A电源适配器,240W电源适配器, WTA200-2401000-T 型号的开关电源. The purpose of the document is to specify the functional requirements of a 240W switching power sup...
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